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Days Below Zero

By Des Washington

cold called
hearing your name
and lifted spirit
like fairy blessings
such moments we gamble at distances
and feel a little warmed
when a little near
and beneath surfaces
if you could see who you are
the stars would follow and space the chance

As a poem transfers from just a few lines or a concept into a full collection of letters and spaces, something happens.  I wrote 'Days Below Zero', because I have a hard time understanding how to support someone who has a problem with themselves at the level someone struggling with an eating disorder would.  I was trying to show how a peer support volunteer could engage someone, and hopefully challenge the perspective that is causing pain.  I used my own struggles with depression and rejection as a springboard to try and get closer to what someone might be feeling.  I'm not sure of the results, honestly, but I feel it captures a compassionate response to a serious issue, and I think that's probably good enough.  I'm really happy about volunteering with the Looking Glass Foundation, and learning more about this complicated issue.

Des is an Oshawa based artist. She enjoys existential philosophy and psychology. In my spare time she creates visual/audial/literary art. She currently work in the customer service industry, but is moving into freelance writing. She also studies psychology. She hopes you enjoy her poetry as she puts a lot into it.

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