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Our Impact

Recovery is Possible

At Looking Glass Foundation, we provide low-barrier, accessible programs and services that require no referral or formal diagnosis for those seeking support.

Download Our 2022 Impact Report

Looking Glass Foundation was founded in 2002. Since then, we have:


Awarded 52 scholarships to students who know what it means to persevere


Reached 218 youth who have benefited from programs at Looking Glass Residence


Raised $5.1m thanks to the community that attends our annual gala

Over the last 2 years we have:


Supported 985 individuals through our peer support programs


Trained and engaged 380 volunteers

Demand for our peer support programs:

Online Peer Support Impact Graph
Personal Recovery Impact Graph
Hand in Hand Impact Graph

Eating disorders do not discriminate.

They impact all genders, ages, sexual orientations, socioeconomic classes, abilities, races, and ethnic backgrounds, with marginalized communities reporting higher incidence and less support.

Our compassionate peer support options are here to help individuals on their healing journey.

2SLGBTQI+ representation:

LGF Representation Graph

Age representation:

lAge Representation Graph
The virtual nature of our programs enable individuals from all health authorities across the province to have access to immediate support.

Health authority representation:

LGF Health Authority Representation Graph

Navigating support and treatment options can be challenging and costly.

67% of our program participants report that they are not receiving any other form of eating disorder support, with 81% identifying that they have experienced some sort of barrier when accessing care. The most prevalent reported are:

Lack of Eating Disorder Specialists and Programs
Long Waitlists
Too Costly

To address these gaps, we developed Looking Glass Counselling | Bridge the Gap™: a program that provides unique and critical eating disorder support where none is available, while enabling meaningful practicum experience for counselling students.

Read more about how our programs, services, outreach and partnerships made an impact in 2021.
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