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By Alex Charleton

You are enough,

A thousand times enough.

And we are all born free,

Yet we spend a lifetime becoming slaves to our own false truths.

Can’t you see?

You are free.

Doing this work doesn’t make you weak,

It makes you incredibly strong, as you strive to step into your truth.

Who are you here to be?

It’s okay to surrender and land on your knee.

Your beauty runs below the surface,

It is not conditional or time limited.

That is the real truth.

You can be yourself here,

The magic is happening as you sit near.

I will sit and stay a while,

To be witness to your love and truth.

Together we can rise up. Give voice to what lies beneath.

The hate, guilt, fear and defeat.

It’s okay now. You got this.

You can lean in and trust your truth.

Can you feel it now? You are enough,

A thousand times enough.

This poem encapsulates the Hand in Hand relationship, based on my experience. It is a partnership, collaborative relationship. In the pairing, I am the sounding board, confidant, and mirror for my matches. I infuse optimism and curiosity. I accept them for exactly who they are, as they show up. I strive to help them rediscover their truth, so that they can live an authentic life and connect deeper to their values. I encourage my matches to embody their freedom and feel that recovery is possible. 

Photo: Kelsey Toevs Photography

Born and Raised on the West coast, I love living among the trees and alongside the ocean. I thrive off of connection. I am a curious creature who loves learning about people and seeing them for who they truly are. I have a big heart, and give all my support to the special people in my life. My core values are integrity, empathy, open-mindedness, and family. If I am not elbow deep in school work, you can find me free styling with recipes in the kitchen, or meditating near the water.

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